

  • Vs Code as everyday code editor
  • Obsidian for my mac only notes
  • Figma everything designs
  • iterm2 with oh-my-zsh and starship as terminal
  • NeoVim quick changes are just more productive with vim

Helper Apps

  • Raycast my window manager, clipboard history, custom scripts, not just another launcher
  • Karabiner-Elements are you even vim user if you don't remap capslock
  • HomeBrew for installing and updating all the apps and cli tools easily
  • GitHub CLI why stop after pushing code to github, why not create issues, pull requests, and more from terminal
  • Amphetamine when you need to keep your mac awake, definitely not for online status
  • Fig a command line autocomplete which makes me realise how little I know
  • Muzzle turns off notifications when you share screen, all my friends are toxic
  • TopNotch please hide your mac notch, it does not look good
  • Flux me trying to justify how 14 hours of screen time is not causing any damage to my eyes
  • Flameshot for those screenshots with annotations, cause I care about your time

Vscode Extensions

  • Vscode Vim dont judge It's complicated. stuck in vim :wq
  • Git Graph helps me manage git history compulsions, please rebase and merge
  • GitHub Copilot alien cat which causes distruction, would be great if it talked to me instead of just writing condition blocks
  • Better Comments highlight your comments, cause you might actually want to read it
  • Error Lens No more hovering over the error to see the message

Browser Extensions

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